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The Latter Rain Evangel, January 1923.
From “The Spirit of God Is No Mixture,”
preached at the Union Pentecostal Meeting, 2 November 1922.
This morning I believe the Lord will impress us with the necessity of understanding the gifts of the Spirit: Why and when and where we should manifest them. I have been trying to impress upon you the importance of being filled with the Holy Ghost, but I do not want you to think that you can understand or use gifts apart from the Giver. I know that the Holy Ghost has nine gifts to minister, and I know that Jesus has gifts, and you will never find that the gifts of the Holy Ghost and the gifts of Jesus clash. They are perfectly in order.
In the fourth chapter of Ephesians we read that Jesus went up on high and received gifts for men, and the most remarkable of all is that he received gifts for the rebellious. Paul knew that, because God had been ministering to him gifts, and yet he was the most rebellious of all. When you look at that calling and see the remarkableness of his life and see how he persecuted the church, and then in his examination of his own personality, his weakness, he calls himself the chief of sinners. And in that revelation, realizing how God had been gracious to him, he writes here, “even the rebellious also.” So all the people in this place, without exception, are eligible for the gifts. It is not what you were or are; it is what God will do for you, and you must see that by the power of God all things are possible. He wants every person in this place to know that he is not and never will be pleased with a fig tree that bears nothing but leaves. Jesus was disappointed in it.